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 Zori in manufacturing INAWARA (rice straw)

1. Prepare straws.

2. Platinize well.

3. Ranger straws.

4. Start braiding to toe.

5. She'd already finished .

6. Pull and tighten straws.

7. Cut the straws of the back.

8. Cut the extra straws.

9. Flatten the zori with an iron tool.

Ms. SATAE is 85 years old and she braids the zori.

She began to braid at the age of10.

JI IRE / Put Hanao (thongstraps)

1. Put a hole in the middle of zori.

2. Start to Hanao from the back.

3. The other side, put hanao in the zori.

4. Tighten and shape hanao.

5. Placed the front hanao.

6. Pull it vert well.

7. Finished!