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We will resume work the following business day, March 24, 2025.
We will add photos of our trip later:
Carry case for Katana, Japanese sword.
Carrying case for wooden weapons; Bokken, Jo, Tanto and Shinai.
Cover for Zori (flip flops). It is a Japanese purse, a small bag with cord closure, called Kinchaku in Japan.
These bags are the perfect size to transport your Zori.
This little bag is designed to carry personal affaires like passports, money, medicines, cosmetics etc...
We offer covers for Shinai of Kendo of different materials, dimensions and colors.
Carrying case for Naginata.
In this bag can put Hakama, Obi and also Zori. SINONOME created this bag for the practitioners of Japanese martial arts.
Stay tuned! More products will be shown here as they are added.