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Aikigyoho-SOGAWA Kazuoki

Aikigyoho-SOGAWA Kazuoki


Aiki gyoho - Kazuoki SOGAWA

Language: Japanese


Thanks to the secret technique of Daito-ryu, your jujutsu or Aikijutsu will be sublimated to Aiki-jujutsu!



Aiki gyoho - Kazuoki SOGAWA 

The secret technique Saigo-ha Daito-Ryu Aiki Bujutsu

Tanomo Saigo (1830-1903), the founder of DaitoRyuSaigo-ha, created this school.

Saigo ha Daitoryu's leader, Kazuoki SOGAWA, reveals all the details of his art, even the secret techniques that have been transmitted secretly and orally over time.

The content of this DVD

- introduction of Aikigyoho (improvement of your energy)

- training for 90 days: Suburi with bokken, Shuto-Uchi, Strengthening of lower body,

- achievement of Aiki: Za, Strengthening of Aiki

Language: Japanese


: BAB DAI9D 合気完成90日 合気行法 曽川和翁
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