Daito ryu Aiki Bujutsu SOGAWA KAZUOKI
Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu Shodokan Sogawa-HA
The demonstration by Kazuoki SOGAW, tlhe head of family of Daitoryu school and Ryuichi SHIN, the master of Daitoryu
Language: Japanese
Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu Shodokan Sogawa-HA
The demonstration by Kazuoki SOGAW, tlhe head of family of Daitoryu school and Ryuichi SHIN, the master of Daitoryu
Language: Japanese
Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu Shodokan Sogawa-HA
The first public demonstration by Kazuoki SOGAW, tlhe head of family of Daitoryu school and Ryuichi SHIN, the master of Daitoryu
Kazuoki SOGAWA : born in 1948 in Nagasaki. During his childhood, he practiced aikido woth the master YAMASHITA. In 1965, he founded Daitoryu Shuki Kai. In 1971, he became the 2nd successor of Daitoryu Aki jujutsu SAIGO-HA. Since then, he teaches Aikido in Kita-Kyushu, Shodokan Dojo,the headquarter of the school. In 1990, he founded International Daitoryu Aiki Bujutdu Association.
The content of this DVD
Goshin Jutsu: Self-Defense for Women
Language: Japanese