KAMOKASHI has a mountain with oaks.
For generations, KAMOKASHI has been manufacturing this oak is cut down and the wood used to make agricultural tools, sticks for TAIKO, wooden weapons for Japanese martial arts.
Manufacturer "KAMOKASHI" manufactures handles for picks, hoes, agricultural tools, and sticks for TAIKO (Japanese drums) and wooden bokken for "BO no Té" the traditional martial arts of Aichi prefecture.
"Bo no Té" is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Aichi Prefecture.
It all began in 1554 when Niwa Kansuke Ujitsugu, lord of Iwasaki Castle in Nisshin, recruited people skilled in the art of baton fighting to his castle.
White oak from the Mikawa (AICHI) region is very durable, heavy, shock resistant and has a beautiful surface.