AIKI no Rentai-ho 2
AIKI no Rentai HO N°2 -Yoichi SHIOSAKA
Language: Japanese
The essence of Aiki jutsu!
In this second volume, Master SHIOSAKA explains more advanced techniques such as Aiki Nage, Tekagami, Ikkajo, Taisabaki ...
We will resume work the following business day, March 24, 2025.
We will add photos of our trip later:
AIKI no Rentai HO N°2 -Yoichi SHIOSAKA
Language: Japanese
The essence of Aiki jutsu!
In this second volume, Master SHIOSAKA explains more advanced techniques such as Aiki Nage, Tekagami, Ikkajo, Taisabaki ...
AIKI no Rentai HO N°2 -Yoichi SHIOSAKA
Yoichi SHIOSAKA was born in 1959 in Kanagawa. He enrolled at Shobukan dojo in 1977 and trained with master Toshimi MATSUDA. In 1981, he entered the Sagawa Dojo with master Yukiyoshi SAGAWA, who was a pupil of Sokaku TAKEDA, as a teacher.
In this DVD, Master SHIOSAKA teaches the essence and bases of the Aikijutsu common to all schools of that art.
The content of this DVD
1: The instability of stability and stability in the instability
Aiki swam 1: strained elbow
Aiki swam 2
2:Tekagami Aikinagé
Tekagami no Aiki
Kashiwade no Aiki
Koba no Aiki
3: Ikkajo Aiki no Rentai ho
Aikiken Ikkajo
4: Tahchi waza (Aikino Rentai ho-Shoden)
Taisabaki to Renkan
Katate dori Aiki
5: To develop basic skills
Of Taisabaki swam to Kubimaki
Uchidé Ikkajo dori, dori Uchidé nikajjo
Katatédori shiho swam, Katatédori sumiochi
Chokuzuki kotegaeshi: 90 ° / 180 ° / 270 °
6: Aikiwaza
Uchitédori Aiki: Katabiki otoshi, Aiki otoshi katabiki, Aiki makiotoshi
Ushiro toriwaza: Ushiro dori ryote
Language: Japanese