Hokushin itto ryu-KONISHI Shigejiro
Hokushin itto ryu KONISHI Shigejiro
Language : Japanese
This ryuha comprises techniques of Kenjutsu, Naginajutsu and Iaijustu.
Hokushin itto ryu KONISHI Shigejiro
Language : Japanese
This ryuha comprises techniques of Kenjutsu, Naginajutsu and Iaijustu.
Hokushin itto ryu KONISHI Shigejiro
Shigejiro KONISHI is the 5th successor of Hokushin Itto-ryu and the director of Genbukan dojo.
Hokushin Itto ryu was created by Shusaku CHIBA (1793 - 1856), pupil of Yoshinobu ASARI (master of Nakanishi ha itto ryu: 1778 - 1853). Shusaku did not like old Kenjutsu and preferred a simpler and more realistic approach. After creating new techniques, he invented equipment (Bogu) still used in kendo nowadays.
More than 3,600 students were training in his dojo, including several historically famous people: Tesshu YAMAOKA (1836 - 1888), Ryoma SAKAMOTO (1836 - 1867), Hachiro KIYOKAWA (1830 - 1863), TODO Heisuké (Shinsengumi member: 1844 - 1867), YAMANAMI Keisukee (member of Shinsengumi: 1833 - 1865), Kan-ichiro YOSHIMURA (member of Shinsengumi: 1840 - 1868) .....
The content of this DVD " Hokushin itto ryu "
-Batto jutsu
-Shoden, Chuden
-Gogyono tachi, Kodachi
-Okuden batto jutsu, Gogyo no tachi
Language : Japanese