BUDO TOWA! (What is Budo !?) Vol 2. Axis and Speed - NAGANO Masaru
Softnessand flexibility, softnessand the axis, the ready posture (Hanmi)andstraight line, theoffense and defense of the cente; you can learn the these importance of through Kata of Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Jujutsu.
The Dojo, Jukenraishinkai, researches and practices what the ancent martial arts predecessors had tried to do rather thanimitate Kata as theoldmartial artspredecessorsleft behind.
Master MasaruNagano, who is a representative in thisDVD shows that the martial arts are bornfrom thelooseness and theaxis as the"softness" and "break", andthe"speed", through the kata of Taijutsu (physical techniques) and kenjutsu (sword techniques).
In the seconde volume, he shows:soft andminimum motions ofreceivings, your own body axis and the opponent's, the action tothelower body, studyingthemovement to cut with thesword, after that,he explaines themeaning of speedatIaido, jujutsu andkendo.
The content of this DVD
1:Preparationfortraining- Flexible Ukeand the body axe ◉Flexible Uke Mae ukemi (a forward breakfall) as avoidingboth feet, Mae mawari ukemi (a forward roll breakfall), Ridewith the movement flow: Mae mawari ukemi (a forward roll breakfall) as avoiding shoulder
◉Understandingof body axis Standin the axis/ stand on one knee, See (feel)theaxis/wristdrop, Align theaxis/ axisto stand, Side Irimi-throw
2: Approach to techniques1 - the function of lower body ◉ Workto thelower body: Basic Workto thesacrum(sacrum drop), the function of thehip joint(Unbalancing hip joint), Workingsofthe knee(HizaKuzure) ◉ Workto thelower body: Practice Jujutsu: Ikkyo, kenjutsu: TsubazeriKuzushi
3: Approach to techniques 2 - body movement to cut ◉ Body movement to cut: Basic Do not rely onthe arm to cut with a sword/Arm holding, cut theshoulder, cut thewrist ◉Body movement to cut: Practice ZanjoKuzushi, Tekaigaeshi, Manjukuzushi
4: Seeking the true speed - eliminate the movement of light and shade ◉ Jujutsu : KiriKuzushi ◉ Kenjutsu: Kirikuzure ◉ Iaijutsu: Kesagiri