The Takenouchi-ryu jujitsu koshinomawari kogusoku (formerly Jujitsu) was created by Takenouchi Hisamori in 1532. Considered as the oldest jujitsu form in Japan, it gave birth to many Ryu-ha.
In this DVD, Takenouchi Tojyuro Hisatake gives an overview of the techniques and the spirit of his school.
Contents of this DVD
1. History and features of Takenouchi ryu 2. Koshino mawari kobusoku Tachimachi hanaruru Sumashi miru Wakizashi otoshide 3. Hade Kiriotoshi kobushi kudaki Oinage 4. Kenpo saide Isshinn itto Saken Yotsude kudaki 5. Iai Shinno tachi Sono tachi 6. Bo, Tuse Koino mizu iri Niho garami, Hicyo