JISEIDO - Kenji Tokitsu
Jiseido is a Japanese martial art school based on Tai Chi.
Language : Japanese / English ( subtitle )
JISEIDO - Kenji Tokitsu
Jiseido is a Japanese martial art school based on Tai Chi.
Language : Japanese / English ( subtitle )
JISEIDO - Kenji Tokitsu
You can learn basic techniques and Kumite in this DVD.
Kenji Tokitsu: he is the founder of JISEIDO. Born in 1947. Professor of the Sorbonne University, Laboratory of Ethnology.
Jisei do is a martial art created by Kenji Tokitsu. It is divided into 4 : Qigong, Tai Chi, Budo (martial arts) and dance energy.
The content of this DVD
Disc 1.
-Ritsuzen (a sort of Zen without sitting on ground)
-Yayama shoshuten Ki method
Pendulum motion, Kata ( bird, Turtle, Dragon, Bear )
- Correct form
-How to effictively use the body
-punching technique
Hiratsuki, Nage tsuki, Tatetsuki, Uratsuki, Kagitsuki, Agetsuki, Elbow strike, Kaishu,
Punchu training, Why there is no snap stop finishes with punches
Disc 2.
-Hohou ( The way of walking )
Yoriashi ( Gather Step), Tsugiashi ( Hopping Step )
-The techniques of defence
Forward and backward, Up and down, Left and right, Rotations ( Outward, Inward),
The way of walking for defence, Kakari training ( Sparring )
-Kicking techniques
- Free Kumite
Language : Japanese / English ( subtitle )
2DVDs :190mn