Kenjutsu-Ittosho den muto ryu
" Kobudo " series - Itto shoden muto ryu kenjutsu by MURAKAMI Yasumasa
Language : Japanese
" Kobudo " series - Itto shoden muto ryu kenjutsu by MURAKAMI Yasumasa
Language : Japanese
" Kobudo " series - Itto shoden muto ryu kenjutsu
Founded by Tesshu YAMAOKA (1836 - 1888). He was born in Edo (Today's Tokyo) and learned several kenjutsu in his childhood such as Shinin-ryu, Hokushin Itto-ryu, Nakanishiha Itto-ryu, Onoha Itto-ryu, etc. He studied at every school in Itto-ryu. In 1885, Onoha Itto-ryu initiated YAMAOKA to secret techniques. Yamaoka also practiced Zen in several temples. Yamaoka was not only the best kenjutsuka but also a great man. He worked as a guard of the emperor. During Taisho Era, the philosophy of his school influenced the education and teaching of kendo.
The 6th successor, Yasumasa MURAYAMA, demonstrates and explains the techniques of Itto shoden muto ryu in this DVD
Content of this DVD
-Kumitachi omoteno 50 pon ( 1 )
1 ponme, 2 honme, 3 bonme, Gean no kasumi, Wakigamae no tsuke, Gedan no Uchiotoshi, joushin, Suriage, etc
-Kumitachi omoteno gojuppo ( 2 )
Kirikaeshi, Makikaeshi, Aigedan, Tancho, Haya Kirikaeshi, etc
Language : Japanese