Mokugyoan instrument ofSotoZen BuddhistorRinzai(music that accompanies the liturgical textsBuddhistsutras). Someuse it tomake predictions. It is aroundwooden block(withmore or lessornaments) that one strikes with a stick at a regular rhythm . It sometimes has the shape of a fish.
Mokugyoan instrument ofSotoZen BuddhistorRinzai(music that accompanies the liturgical textsBuddhistsutras). Someuse it tomake predictions. It is aroundwooden block(withmore or lessornamental) that is struckwith a stick inrhythm.It has sometimesin the form ofa fish.
Size 10 : 31cm
-about 4.5kg
With-Bachi (the stick to hitMokugyo) and a Cushion
-Wood: KUSU(Camphor)
-Manufactured by order. (delivery about 3-4 weeks)
Artisanal, KATOMokugyoSeisakujoinNagoya.
Today, there areonly 9Mokugyoworkshopmanufacturesin Japan in thearea ofNagoyaMokugyooffspecialist, but because productionChinese,JapanesecraftMokugyodisappears. TheChineseMokugyobreakable,it does not supportlongyearsof use, but canMokugyoJapaneseusedover 100 yearswithout change oftone.
The manufacture ofMokugyo, it is quite long.
Hebuyslargewood,cutand dried for3-5moreyears. The age ofwoodbetween5-10years.(Ifsmallwoodabout 50years, but if Mokugyoarelarge enough, theageof thewoodabout 100 years.) -ThecuttingwidthMokugyo, driedleavesandanother 3-5years. -He digsdried woodwithuseful duringsomedays ormonths .. -Burn with moreusefulfor somedays. -Honedand check thesoundchange, until itsounds good.