Shingyoto ryu / Shinkeito ryu
Shingyoto ryu / Shinkeito ryu-NAGANO Junichi
One of four main Kenjutsu schools of "SHIN KYOTO RYU"
Shingyoto ryu / Shinkeito ryu-NAGANO Junichi
One of four main Kenjutsu schools of "SHIN KYOTO RYU"
Shingyoto ryu / Shinkeito ryu-NAGANO Junichi
Find out your real intention; you can understand the meanings and the significance of kata training through Shingyoto school learning method.
IBA Josuiken Hideaki created this school in 1682 during the EDO period.
NAGANO Juinchi Shihan:
At the age of 20, he moves to Kameyama (MIE) where he meets the Soke of SHINGYO TORYU and trains with master KATO, KOBAYASHI, KASAMA.
He develops the SHINGYO TORYU USA school.
-Kiso: from "Shu" to "Ha", the importance of training (shugyo) (basic Technique)
-Shoden, Enbu (Demonstration)
-Shoden (6 kata) demonstration of kata
- ipponme
- kamae
- Ashi
- Ayumiyori
- what is the "Ha"? Deepen kata trainings
-Reiho: importance of Reiho/Reigi (Etiquette)