Waza to Jutsuri 2017 - KONO Yoshinori
Kōno yoshinori waza to wazari 2017 - Naiwan no hakken
75 mn
Language: Japanese
Master Yoshinori's training method teaches how to improve drastically one's skills in sports... but not only.
Kōno yoshinori waza to wazari 2017 - Naiwan no hakken
75 mn
Language: Japanese
Master Yoshinori's training method teaches how to improve drastically one's skills in sports... but not only.
Kōno yoshinori waza to wazari 2017 - Naiwan no hakken
75 mn
Language: Japanese
Martial arts, sports, daily life ... The content of this DVD will have a positive influence on all these areas and will bring you to a significant improvement on the technical level.
Inspired by extreme combat sports, Yoshinori Kono explains in this DVD what are the two conditions for a spectacular improvement!
Yoshinori Kono, researcher in martial arts, offers us the fruit of his latest research!
From shinai to sword, how to progress dramatically in fencing!
Extensive explanations of various methods that can be used for martial arts, sports, daily life supported by images taken from different angles.
Contents of this DVD:
Part 1
Kōnoyoshinori no waza
Part 2
suwa reru jutsu
ri sekka kuzushi (sekkaku-zushi)
'oikoshi kinshi' to no kankei
Part 3
Naiwai no hakken
tsukama reta ude o harau
suwatta hito o okosu
jōkaku kuzushi
shinken ni yoru henya-gaeshi
suwatta jōtai from no shinken ni yoru kagenuki
kesa katame o kaesu
tachi datsuri
minamo hashiri o ōyō shita tachi datsuri
Part 4
nichijō no naka de karada kankaku o migaku
koshi ni raku o saseru
amidana ni nimotsu o ageru
okiagari to tachiagari
Part 5
bujutsu kara mita furō taiken
gekiteki jōtatsu no tame no 2tsu no jōken
ikani shite `furō 'ni hairu ka
honshitsu ni mukiau